dMAC Tech Apps

Life Path Plus Master LPs 2.0
dMAC Tech
Life Path Plus Master LPs is a Life Pathnumbercalculator that based on an individual’s birthdatedetermines theNumerological sum, or Life Path number, of anyindividual. The LifePath number represents who you are at birth;and describes thenative traits that you will carry with youthrough life and thenature of this journey. The numbers 1, 2, 3,4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11,22 and 33 are used in constructing Numerologycharts. The Month, Dayand Year components are added firstindividually and then together(repeatedly if necessary) until thesum achieved is one of the corenumbers. Each of these numbersrepresents different personalitycharacteristics; Master numbersare the only exception to the ruleof reducing to a single digit.The master numbers 11, 22 and 33 areintensified versions of thesingle digit number they replace (2, 4and 6 respectively). TheseMaster numbers suggest a potential for aneven higher degree oflearning and/or achievement.